Neighbourhood Plan


Nash Neighbourhood Plan

The Nash Neighbourhood Plan was transferred to Buckinghamshire Council at the end of February for the final consultation phase which took place from 18 March to the 7 April 2022.

Buckinghamshire Council was then required to obtain three quotes from qualified examiners to formally examine the plan. One of the external examiners was selected and his details were referred to Nash Parish Council (NPC) for consideration and approval. NPC gave approval and he was  appointed in the final week of May 2022. The examination started on 27 May 2022.


Neighbourhood Development Plan

Neighourhood Plan/Neighbourhood Plan map












 Nash Neighbourhood Plan - Latest Version

Nash Parish Council is developing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the parish of Nash. This has provided a real opportunity for residents to have an active say in the future of  their village.

So what is a Neighbourhood Development Plan? - A Neighbourhood Plan is a new way for you, local people to influence the planning and development of the area in which you live and work. It lasts for 15 to 20 years and should:

  • Develop a shared vision for the village.
  • Decide the types and location of new homes or facilities that are built.
  • Influence the development of any new infrastructure and leisure facilities.
  • Identify and protect important local green spaces or other treasured assets.

Once approved, your plan will have legal force in setting out what development is acceptable in your parish and for what reasons. Developers and local authority planners will have to take notice of it. Without a Neighbourhood Plan, we as a village will have little control over any development that takes place and will receive less community funds from those developments.

We can influence development, not stop it altogether. - Your Neighbourhood Development Plan must comply with Buckinghamshire Council's Aylesbury Vale Area Local Plan (VALP) and the government’s wider policy of sustainable development. This means that it is inevitable that some new housing will have to be built in Nash in the future.