The Council

NashNash Parish Council (NPC) has seven members normally elected every four years.The next election will be held in 2025. The Council looks after the Village Green, the Pond, and the Recreation Ground, the street lights, the street furniture and the two village water pumps. The Parish Council also arranges for the cutting of the grass owned by Buckinghamshire Council in the village.

Buckinghamshire Council (BC) is responsible for the maintenance of the highways; planning applications and refuse collections amongst others. NPC provides comments on all planning applications within Nash and may comment on applications in other parishes close to Nash, but it is  that makes the decisions.

Much of the Parish Council’s work consists of advising BC on matters relating to Nash. The Parish Council normally meets six times a year and in addition holds an Annual Parish Meeting of residents at some time usually in May. At this meeting the Parish Council presents its Annual Report, and Nash residents can raise matters of interest and concern relating to the village and to the Parish Council.

The Parish Council is part of the North Bucks Parishes Planning Consortium which responds to major development proposal in the North Bucks Area. 

The Recreation Ground, including an area with play equipment, is located directly behind the churchyard. It is much used by local children. The Annual Village Fete, organised jointly by the Village Hall Committee and the Church, is held in the Recreation Ground each year.